Category: Uncategorized

Different Types of DUI Charges in GA

Imagine a typical Friday night. Friends gather, music fills the air, and laughter rings out while on a road trip. Everything seems perfect until the next morning when the harsh reality sets in: DUI charges. Driving under the influence (DUI) refers to operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or other drugs, including those prescribed... Learn more

Should I take a Plea Bargain?

Consider Joe, an average man from Columbus, Georgia, who found himself standing before a judge, charged with Driving Under Influence (DUI). He's never faced such a situation before, and his lawyer, an experienced criminal defense attorney from Clark Adams, presents him with the option of taking a plea bargain. But should he? In the American... Learn more

May I Refuse DUI Chemical Test

Picture this: you're driving home late at night in Georgia when suddenly, you see flashing lights in your rear-view mirror. Your heart starts to pound; you are being pulled over. You're suspected of driving under the influence (DUI). A question starts swirling in your mind, "May I refuse a DUI chemical test?" Let's delve deeper into this topic... Learn more

Long-Term Effects of a DUI Under 21

The buzz of a Saturday night, a sense of youthful invincibility, and a poor choice behind the wheel – a cocktail of events that may lead to a life-altering situation: a DUI charge under 21. Georgia's laws, like many states, are tough on underage drinking and driving. However, beyond the immediate penalties, the long-term effects of a DUI under... Learn more

Implied Consent Advisement (DUI)

The fear, confusion, and uncertainty that follow a DUI arrest can be overwhelming. One moment you're on your way home, and the next, you're in police custody. Understanding your rights and obligations is crucial, especially when it comes to implied consent advisement in Georgia. As a reputable criminal defense attorney in Columbus, GA, Clark Adams... Learn more